Orphans gift distribution on Eid

Caring for orphans is very dear to the Prophet Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) heart, given he was orphaned as a child. And, as followers of Islam and the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), it is our duty to ensure that orphans are cared for and supported. Help In Need always organized orphans gift […]

Improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

Beekeeping tends to be perceived as ‘a hobby’. This descriptions may often be true, but a beekeeping is a “resilient livelihood” – one that keeps people out of poverty. Is one that has access to a range of options. Help In Need in partnership with some global partners building capacity of local communities of Kashmir […]

Distribution of Food Parcels, Winterized Kit

Help In Need in partnership with Human Appeal Australia in presence of Mr. Irfan Nawaz Memon DC Quetta Help In Need in partnership with Human Appeal Australia in presence of Mr. Irfan Nawaz Memon DC Quetta implemented last project of its winter emergency response in Balochistan through distribution of Food Parcels, Winterized Kits, tents to […]

Shelter Homes: Seeds of Change, Growing Hope

Visitors to twin cities (Islamabad and Rawalpindi) across the country stay here for multiple reasons, especially patients and their attendants, students, and unemployed people. Shelter homes can provide a much-needed solution, offering safe and affordable lodging options for those in need. Transforming Lives Through Shelter Homes Shelter Homes is a unique project that PM Pakistan […]

HELP IN NEED organized Cataract Surgeries Free camp

HELP IN NEED organized Cataract Surgeries Free camp in District Muzaffargarh – Punjab Pakistan in partnership with IHHNL. The creation of the visual system is a precious gift whereby the eyesight bestowed by Allah upon us allows the daily activities to be conducted easily and efficiently. HELP IN NEED organized Cataract Surgeries Free camp in […]

HIN reaching 1000 orphans with winter gift pack’s

HIN reaching 1000 orphans with winter gift pack’s, we believe that every child needs a safe place to grow. Basic NEEDS like food and clean clothes, access to education definitely increases the likelihood for orphans to become a positive members of their communities. And give unto orphans their property and do not exchange (your) bad […]

Help In Need saving lives

It seems like you’re running a default WordPress website. Here are a few useful links to get you started: Migration How to use WordPress Migrator Plugin? Migrate WordPress from Siteground to Cloudways Migrate WordPress from GoDaddy to Cloudways General How do I take my website live from Cloudways? How to manage WordPress via WP-CLI on […]

Pakistan is undergoing heavy rainfall

It seems like you’re running a default WordPress website. Here are a few useful links to get you started: Migration How to use WordPress Migrator Plugin? Migrate WordPress from Siteground to Cloudways Migrate WordPress from GoDaddy to Cloudways General How do I take my website live from Cloudways? How to manage WordPress via WP-CLI on […]

Help In Need distributed 250+ shelter, NFI’s and kitchen utensils kits

It seems like you’re running a default WordPress website. Here are a few useful links to get you started: Migration How to use WordPress Migrator Plugin? Migrate WordPress from Siteground to Cloudways Migrate WordPress from GoDaddy to Cloudways General How do I take my website live from Cloudways? How to manage WordPress via WP-CLI on […]